Invasive Species
At Norton & Associates our role is to help establish what’ s on your site, and how it can be dealt with, in accordance with current regulations. We offer walkover or detailed surveys to establish the presence of plants such as the Himalayan Balsam, Japanese Knotweed, Giant Hogweed, Rhododendron Ponticum and various Cotoneaster species,listed under Schedule 9 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. Japanese Knotweed is a good example of when careful site management must be employed if these plants are likely to be disturbed by development or prevented from encroaching onto a site.
Our GIS team is able to produce maps to show the distribution of invasive species. We can also act for our clients as an ecological clerk of works and arrange for remedial works to be undertaken.
View Case Study London Underground

In accordance with our brief to manage the vegetation across a large expanse of land, our client wanted to know where the non-native invasive species occurred, specifically Japanese Knotweed, Himalayan Balsam and Giant Hogweed.
350km of trackside was surveyed as well as many associated off track locations across London Underground’s network. All of the sites were mapped, data collected, plotted in GIS and recorded on our database. As a result, our client has set up a system for recording and monitoring these species and has instigated an ongoing maintenance programme of control.
View Case Study London Underground

our client required a survey of Oak Processionary Moths. Using our GIS Land Management System we identified the areas within the 250km of trackside land where oaks were known to be growing. This enabled us to carry out an efficient and cost effective survey, which meant that the client was able to update his records and issue health warning notifications to staff and contractors.